Saturday, March 16, 2019

Almost ready to record

I have everything set to start recording as I want to finish the recording by next week (hopefully). This way I have time the next few weeks to concentrate on the audio and editing. The main props I'll use will be a laptop that I have, the USB stick in a fancy looking box, pictures and fake certificates/awards of the dad's profession as an engineer. Now it will be much easier to film as I can just do it in my house lol.

Something that I learned when doing the music video project was the importance of a storyboard before recording something. I was really useful as it gave us an idea of the overall project as well as organizing each and every shot with its respective techniques. This saved so much time at the time of recording because we already knew what we needed to record and how to record it. The index cards are an easy and good way to make it because they are easy to manipulate and you can write the specifics of each shot at the back of each card. I will use many close-ups and extreme close-ups of inanimate objects like the USB stick, the computer camera, the program, etc. as this is commonly done in sci-fi films. 
                                             Analog closeup in Alien (1979)

Also back and forth shots between Tommy and ADAM to establish the forming relationship. Well, here are some of the first shots that I have planned to record.

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